1. Know the landslide prone areas and learn early signs of impending landslides.
2. Monitor the news for weather updates, warnings and advisories.
3. Prepare your family’s GO BAG containing items needed for survival.
4. Know the locations of the evacuation site and the fastest and safest way to go there.
5. When notified, immediately evacuate to safer grounds.
1. When inside a house or building and evacuation is not possible, stay inside and get under a sturdy table.
2. When outside, avoid affected areas and go to a safer place.
3. When landslide cannot be avoided, protect your head.
4. When driving, do not cross bridges and damaged roads.
1. Leave the evacuation area only when authorities say it is safe.
2. Avoid the landslide affected areas.
3. Watch out for possible flashfloods due to clogging of creeks or rivers.
4. Check for missing persons and report it to authorities.
5. Bring the injured and sick to the nearest hospital.
6. Check your house for possible damages and repair as necessary.
7. Report fallen trees and electric post to proper authorities.