Signal # 4:
Very heavy damage to high–risk structures
Heavy damage to medium risk structures;
Moderate damage to low-risk structures
Considerable damage to structures of light materials (up to 75% are totally and partially destroyed); complete roof structure failures.
Many houses of medium-built materials are unroofed, some with collapsed walls; extensive damage to doors and windows
A few houses of first-class materials are partially damaged
All signs/billboards are blown down. There is almost total damage to banana plantation
Most mango trees, ipil-ipil and similar types of large trees are downed or broken.
Coconut plantation may suffer extensive damage.
Rice and corn plantation may suffer severe losses.
Storm surge of 2-3 meters possible at coastal areas
Signal # 3:
Heavy damage to high–risk structures;
Moderate damage to medium-risk structures;
Light damage to low risk structures
Increasing damage (up to more than 50%) to old, dilapidated residential structures and houses of light materials. Majority of all nipa and cogon houses may be unroofed or destroyed
Houses of medium strength materials (old, timber or mixed timber-CHB structures, usually with G.I. roofing’s); some warehouses or bodega-type structures are unroofed.
There may be widespread disruption of electrical power and communication services.
Almost all banana plants are downed.
Some big trees (acacia, mango, etc.) are broken or uprooted.
Dwarf-type or hybrid coconut trees are tilted or downed.
Rice and corn crops may suffer heavy losses.
Damage to shrubbery and trees with foliage blown off; some large trees blown down.