× Types of Disaster Protocols Facqs and Trivia Weather Tropical Cyclone
Precautionary Measures We Follow Before, During, And After A Typhoon


  • Help your family check and fix your house for any damage (especially the roofs and windows), so it can withstand the strong winds.
  • Stock up an adequate supply of drinking water, and water for cleaning or other purposes.
  • Teach younger members of your family what to do during a typhoon.

  • Stay calm and be alert.

  • Stay indoors. Postpone any plans of travels or errands.

  • Be ready to evacuate if necessary. Leave your house as soon as you realize you are not safe.


  • Help your family check and fix your house for any damage (especially the roofs and windows), so it can withstand the strong winds.
  • Stock up an adequate supply of drinking water, and water for cleaning or other purposes.
  • Teach younger members of your family what to do during a typhoon.