Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Team
Ensure Availability, accessibility, orderly use, proper maintenance and cleaningof common and gender disaggregated WASH facilities such as water taps. latrine facilities, hand washing, bathing facilities and laundry areas.
Assist in Hygien it and Water Kit Distribution.
Ensure proper solid waste disposal systems
Ensure that the bins for biodegradable and non-biodegradable wastes aredisposed daily in the proper areas designated for this purpose.
Assist in the dissemination of WASH IEC materials and in the conduct of hygiene promotion activities.
Medical/Health and Nutrition Team
Coordinate with evacuation center manager regarding health needs of the IDPs.
Ensure rapid health assessments are conducted within 3 days of arrival of IDPs
Ensure access to basic and regular health services, including immunizations referrals, accessible to the displaced and population
Monitor, report share information and refer health related concerns to health workers/hospitals
Assess and monitor the nutrition needs of the displaced population and refer
when necessary
Ensure reproductive health services are provided in the evacuation center
Assess and respond to mental health and psycho-social support needs of the displaced population all throughout the displacement.
Implement a surveillance system for communicable diseases
Guarantee immediate medical intervention for sexual and gender-based violence.
Transportation Team
Ensure availability of transportation, 24/7, for emergency cases.
Coordinate with the local officials and other entities to provide the evacuation center with the transportation for evacuees who need Immediate assistance/emergencies.
Security and Public Safety Team
Ensure IDPs are safe from exposure to crime, violence and abuse through effective engagement of PNP (both men and women police) and barangay tanods for additional security.
Ensure delivery of humanitarian assistance and evacuation center management are not militarized and all evacuees/IDPS are free from recruitment tactics.
Evacuees/IDPS are consulted and involved in planning for effective safety and security
Evacuation and contingency plans are prepared and drills conducted.
Council of elders shall be organized